Auto provision the roles in Fusion Cloud

How to auto provision the roles in Fusion application?

Role is a privilege or set of privileges that provide the access to functional area(s) or data set. There are different kind of roles in fusion. Often, we have requirement to auto provision the roles to new hire, new supplier, new line manager and new customer. You can auto provision the roles using ‘Role Provisioning Rules’ in Fusion.

Role Provisioning rule has three components (rule details, conditions and role assignment).

Rule details: Rule name and rule effective dates.
Conditions:  Set of conditions to auto provision the roles.
Role assignments: Roles that you want to auto provision.

Let’s see   how to configure Role Provisioning Rules.

IT Security Manager role is required to create role mapping to auto provision the roles

Steps to create role mapping:

è Login as (implementation) user that has ‘IT Security Manager’ Role
è Navigate to ‘Setup and Maintenance’ page  and search for ‘Manage Role Provisioning Rules’ task

è Click on the ‘Manage Role Provisioning Rules’ and navigate to Manage Role Mappings Screen 

è Click on the new mapping by clicking ‘+’ icon

è Enter the mapping rule name, conditions and role(s).  Below is the snapshot of employee auto provisioning role mapping rule rule. Below rule mapping snapshot for employee.

Rule Name: New Employee Auto Provisioning Rule
Condition: System Person Type (Employee)
Role Name : Employee

è Click on ‘Save and Close’ button and test your rule by hiring new employee

Roles assignment comes with three options


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